
Prewin meeting Birmingham June 2024, Encyclis EfW facility

Performance, Reliability and Emissions Reduction in Waste Incinerators.

On this website you will find information about PREWIN, a European network which was founded in the year 2000.

The number of network participants of the network is 198 (Aug 2024) from 21 European countries. In the first 5 months of 2024 13 new companies joined the network, while 9 companies(5 EfW plants) joined since the last meetring in Brimingham. Twice a year a conference meeting is organised. The number of attendees at the meetings is 150+, of which about 30% are plant representatives. More information about the activities such as benchmark studies, maintenance working  group meetings can be found under activities.

As a participant of PREWIN you will be invited to meetings and you will get access to the private part of the website, which contains all presentations since 2000. 

If you have questions on or suggestions for this website please contact us.



Prewin meeting November 2023, RHI Magnesita R&D training centre Leoben, Austria




Prewin meeting November 2022, HQ HERAmbiente, Bologna, Italy

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Prewin meeting June 2023, AIS WSI Workshop, Radom, Poland

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Prewin meeting June 2022, REG Oslo, Conference Venue, Oslo Norway